Nsecret video of isis smuggled out of iraq children's books

His numberone concern turned out to be the safety and welfare of the few remaining civilians who remained in raqqa, and the safety and welfare of the u. The hunt for the islamic state leader had lasted years until iraqi officials got a break last month. Secretary of defense, general james mattis, made a secret decision to place the safety and welfare of some foreigners higher than the welfare and safety of the american people. The secret history of isis transcript frontline pbs. Winner of the 2016 pulitzer prize for general nonfiction a best book of 2015the new york times. How isis spread in syria and iraqand how to stop it the atlantic. Isis fighters smuggled out of raqqa by us, uk and kurds, bbc claims raqqas dirty secret says 250 fighters with families and arms were given safe passage wed, nov 15, 2017, 17. The secret battle to save lgbt people from isis and. Sometimes, they said, they would send messages taunting isis members for letting them get past many of the groups members had been majids and ahlams neighbors for years. There was an urgent question about abu musab alzarqawi. The battle to defeat isis was an unremittingly brutal and dystopian struggle, a multisided war of gritty local commandos and militias.

Isis video showing the beheading of steven sotloff was released the same day as u. The alarming footage was smuggled out of iraq by a prizewinning iraqi photojournalist, ali arkady, who spent months embedded in combat with the elite iraqi troops leading the fight against isis. The islamic state of iraq and the levant also known as the islamic state of iraq and syria officially known as the islamic state is and also known by its. Secret deal saw hundreds of isis fighters smuggled out of raqqa in huge convoy investigation by bbc spoke to dozens of people involved in secret operation the fanatics formed a sevenkilometer. Top 10 secret photos smuggled out of north korea subscribe to top 10s description. In the months after isis laid claim to northern iraq in june 2014, majid and ahlam managed to cross into isis territory to help rescue women. Smuggled video testimony documents harsh rule of syrian islamist group. Ben taub on the future of iraq, following the islamic states defeat in mosul. The brutality and oppression of life under is is revealed by exclusive video and testimony from iraq s second city of mosul, a year after it fell. Hundreds of isis fighters smuggled out of raqqa daily. Smuggled video testimony documents harsh rule of syrian. Iraqi troops torture and execute civilians in secret videos.

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